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The plain growth bags, suitable for growing melon, fruit and vegetables, save money than planting grooves

The plain growth bags, suitable for growing melon, fruit and vegetables, save money than planting grooves

The plain growth bags, suitable for growing melon, fruit and vegetables, save money than planting grooves


Soless cultivation vegetable area is more and more extensive, farmers are particularly concerned about how to grow low cost? In addition to the substrate can save money, the planting tank selection can also save a part of the cost, and the planting effect is also good. Many farmers ask us what kind of cultivation trough do we use to grow tomatoes and cucumbers?


In fact, in the past two or three years, we have been using planting bags instead of planting slot, planting cucumbers, tomatoes, strawberries, melons, the general fruits and vegetables can be used. The bag looks plain and actually has a big advantage. It costs less than some plastic planting tanks, which basically costs 1,000 yuan per mu, compared with thousands of yuan saved on planting bags. And the design of this planting bag is very practical, and the planting effect is also very good.


The plain growth bags, suitable for growing melon, fruit and vegetables, save money than planting grooves


First, the bag is made of plastic on both sides and can last two or three years, meaning that there is no need to plow during the change. The planting bag is white outside, which can reflect part of the light, prevent heating up in the matrix, and black inside, to avoid the root system in contact with the light, which is more conducive to the root growth and development.


Also, the bag is not completely sealed. There are drainage holes on the side and bottom of the bag to prevent excessive watering and fertilization. The function of these holes is to drain the excess water and fertilizer, not to accumulate into the bag, affecting the air permeability and salt of the matrix.


Second, the size of the planting bags is also a concern for farmers. The planting bags we used are full of substrate, long, wide, and 30,30,17 cm high. A bag requires about 15 liters of substrate. Planting fruits and vegetables kind of soilless cultivation, using this bag is a very suitable size.


Some farmers say that when the bag is bigger, the substrate is also more, and the root growth is not limited by space, so the effect is not better? If the planting bag is bigger, more cultivation substrate is used, increasing the cost of planting. And the same bag size is bigger, the cost will increase.


This size of the bag, we have spent a few years, the root growth of vegetables is also very strong, in a limited space, can promote the growth of side roots. And this kind of bag is just to grow vegetables, no other redundant design, practical strong. Therefore, the planting greenhouse should also be able to save the province, but in the pursuit of a large size of the bag, increase the input cost, such a bag is cost-effective, more suitable for soilless cultivation.


Growing vegetables in bags also became a planting trend, independent of the soil. Using planting bags is cheaper than building a PVC planting tank, which is suitable for ordinary farmers. And one by one separated, also can prevent the spread of germs, planting process more worry.


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